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Own a Machine with a 3 Phase motor on it? Need to run it from a 1 Phase Supply?


A lot of machinery used in industry such as lathes, milling machines, large table saws, and many other motor-driven applications can be bought either new or second hand in a 3 Phase configuration for far less money than their rarer single-phase motor-powered counterparts.

This is often down to production quantities. The issue is that many smaller factory units or home users only have access to a 230VAC Single Phase supply. So you’ve found the perfect piece of equipment for the workshop, its the right price, but its a 3 phase machine… Is there any way around this?

Yes! There is a way…

The majority of motors sold in the last 20 years have conformed to IEC standards. One advantage of this is that unless the motor is an OEM custom build it will be universal in its dimensions and mounting points. This means many motors can be swapped out for newer more efficient motors easily. It also allows you to install a 3 phase motor that can be configured in Delta, this can subsequently be run from an inverter powered by a single-phase 230VAC supply. These inverters will allow you to use a 3 phase motor up to 4kW or 18A from a 230VAC supply!

You can purchase an inverter for this purpose here:

230VAC Inverters
Buy Your 1 Phase Inverter Here

Want Even More?

If your motor is older, or if it is currently single phase and you wish to add speed control, or benefit from the more efficient and cheaper option of a 3 Phase motor, but only have single-phase inputs available, we offer a complete kit.

230VAC Input Conversion Kits With Pendant

These conversion kits include an Inverter (230VAC Input) from a variety of brands, a 3 Phase motor of the correct speed and kW Rating, and a Remote operator pendant with a lead of varying lengths to suit your application. This kit allows you to convert your application and allows it to run from a single-phase 230VAC supply.

These kits are available and stocked in sizes from 0.25kW to 4.0kW.


  • Full Speed Control from any preset range (0-100)
  • Fast Braking of the Motor
  • Adjustable Ramp Up and Ramp Down Time
  • Full Torque From Close To Zero RPM
  • Far Better Efficiency (PWM Control)
  • Stop and Start Buttons
  • Forward and Reverse Selectable With or Without Stopping the Motor (Without rewiring and resetting belts!)

Our kits are available in Standard or Premium form. So something for all budgets.

We designed these kits in response to the many enquiries received from home users wanting to convert a 3 Phase piece of machinery – Milling Machines, Lathes, Compressors etc – to Single phase 230VAC. Having converted our own in house milling machine, and developing a simple to use kit to do so, we decided to offer these here on the ACDC Website, and they have proven to be very popular.

These kits are prebuilt. All instructions for connecting and configuring the parameters of the drive are included with the drive, and a small easy to follow video is available here on our blog too.

See The Kits Here

Milling Machine
Convert Lathe to Single Phase
Welding Bench